Sunday, 15 March 2015

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What is Diabetes? What causes Diabetes?

Diabetes, often referred to by doctors as diabetes mellitus, describes a group of metabolic diseases in which the person has high blood glucose (blood sugar), either because insulin production is inadequate, or because the body's cells do not respond properly to insulin, or both. Patients with high blood sugar will typically experience polyuria (frequent urination), they will become increasingly thirsty (polydipsia) and hungry (polyphagia).
Fast facts on diabetes
Here are some key points about diabetes. More detail and supporting information is in the main article.
  • Diabetes is a long-term condition that causes high blood sugar levels.
  • In 2013 it was estimated that over 382 million people throughout the world had diabetes (Williams textbook of endocrinology).
  • Type 1 Diabetes - the body does not produce insulin. Approximately 10% of all diabetes cases are type 1.
  • Type 2 Diabetes - the body does not produce enough insulin for proper function. Approximately 90% of all cases of diabetes worldwide are of this type.
  • Gestational Diabetes - this type affects females during pregnancy.
  • The most common diabetes symptoms include frequent urination, intense thirst and hunger, weight gain, unusual weight loss, fatigue, cuts and bruises that do not heal, male sexual dysfunction, numbness and tingling in hands and feet.
  • If you have Type 1 and follow a healthy eating plan, do adequate exercise, and take insulin, you can lead a normal life.
  • Type 2 patients need to eat healthily, be physically active, and test their blood glucose. They may also need to take oral medication, and/or insulin to control blood glucose levels.
  • As the risk of cardiovascular disease is much higher for a diabetic, it is crucial that blood pressure and cholesterol levels are monitored regularly.
  • As smoking might have a serious effect on cardiovascular health, diabetics should stop smoking.
  • Hypoglycemia - low blood glucose - can have a bad effect on the patient. Hyperglycemia - when blood glucose is too high - can also have a bad effect on the patient.
There are three types of diabetes:

1) Type 1 Diabetes

The body does not produce insulin. Some people may refer to this type as insulin-dependent diabetes, juvenile diabetes, or early-onset diabetes. People usually develop type 1 diabetes before their 40th year, often in early adulthood or teenage years.
Type 1 diabetes is nowhere near as common as type 2 diabetes. Approximately 10% of all diabetes cases are type 1.
Patients with type 1 diabetes will need to take insulin injections for the rest of their life. They must also ensure proper blood-glucose levels by carrying out regular blood tests and following a special diet.
Between 2001 and 2009, the prevalence of type 1 diabetes among the under 20s in the USA rose 23%, according to SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth data issued by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). (Link to article)

2) Type 2 Diabetes

The body does not produce enough insulin for proper function, or the cells in the body do not react to insulin (insulin resistance).
Approximately 90% of all cases of diabetes worldwide are of this type.
Diabetes patient measuring glucose level in bloodMeasuring the glucose level in blood
Some people may be able to control their type 2 diabetes symptoms by losing weight, following a healthy diet, doing plenty of exercise, and monitoring their blood glucose levels. However, type 2 diabetes is typically a progressive disease - it gradually gets worse - and the patient will probably end up have to take insulin, usually in tablet form.
Overweight and obese people have a much higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to those with a healthy body weight. People with a lot of visceral fat, also known as central obesity, belly fat, or abdominal obesity, are especially at risk. Being overweight/obese causes the body to release chemicals that can destabilize the body's cardiovascular and metabolic systems.
Being overweight, physically inactive and eating the wrong foods all contribute to our risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Drinking just one can of (non-diet) soda per day can raise our risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 22%, researchers from Imperial College London reported in the journal Diabetologia. The scientists believe that the impact of sugary soft drinks on diabetes risk may be a direct one, rather than simply an influence on body weight.
The risk of developing type 2 diabetes is also greater as we get older. Experts are not completely sure why, but say that as we age we tend to put on weight and become less physically active. Those with a close relative who had/had type 2 diabetes, people of Middle Eastern, African, or South Asian descent also have a higher risk of developing the disease.
Men whose testosterone levels are low have been found to have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Researchers from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, say that low testosterone levels are linked to insulin resistance. (Link to article)

3) Gestational Diabetes

This type affects females during pregnancy. Some women have very high levels of glucose in their blood, and their bodies are unable to produce enough insulin to transport all of the glucose into their cells, resulting in progressively rising levels of glucose.
Diagnosis of gestational diabetes is made during pregnancy.
The majority of gestational diabetes patients can control their diabetes with exercise and diet. Between 10% to 20% of them will need to take some kind of blood-glucose-controlling medications. Undiagnosed or uncontrolled gestational diabetes can raise the risk of complications during childbirth. The baby may be bigger than he/she should be.
Scientists from the National Institutes of Health and Harvard University found that women whose diets before becoming pregnant were high in animal fat and cholesterol had a higher risk for gestational diabetes, compared to their counterparts whose diets were low in cholesterol and animal fats. (Link to article)

Main symptoms of diabetes

What Is Prediabetes?

The vast majority of patients with type 2 diabetes initially had prediabetes. Their blood glucose levels where higher than normal, but not high enough to merit a diabetes diagnosis. The cells in the body are becoming resistant to insulin.
Studies have indicated that even at the prediabetes stage, some damage to the circulatory system and the heart may already have occurred.

Diabetes Is A Metabolism Disorder

Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is classed as a metabolism disorder. Metabolism refers to the way our bodies use digested food for energy and growth. Most of what we eat is broken down into glucose. Glucose is a form of sugar in the blood - it is the principal source of fuel for our bodies.
When our food is digested, the glucose makes its way into our bloodstream. Our cells use the glucose for energy and growth. However, glucose cannot enter our cells without insulin being present - insulin makes it possible for our cells to take in the glucose.
Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the pancreas. After eating, the pancreas automatically releases an adequate quantity of insulin to move the glucose present in our blood into the cells, as soon as glucose enters the cells blood-glucose levels drop.
A person with diabetes has a condition in which the quantity of glucose in the blood is too elevated (hyperglycemia). This is because the body either does not produce enough insulin, produces no insulin, or has cells that do not respond properly to the insulin the pancreas produces. This results in too much glucose building up in the blood. This excess blood glucose eventually passes out of the body in urine. So, even though the blood has plenty of glucose, the cells are not getting it for their essential energy and growth requirements.

How To Determine Whether You Have Diabetes, Prediabetes or Neither

Doctors can determine whether a patient has a normal metabolism, prediabetes or diabetes in one of three different ways - there are three possible tests:
  • The A1C test
    - at least 6.5% means diabetes
    - between 5.7% and 5.99% means prediabetes
    - less than 5.7% means normal
  • The FPG (fasting plasma glucose) test
    - at least 126 mg/dl means diabetes
    - between 100 mg/dl and 125.99 mg/dl means prediabetes
    - less than 100 mg/dl means normal
    An abnormal reading following the FPG means the patient has impaired fasting glucose (IFG)
  • The OGTT (oral glucose tolerance test)
    - at least 200 mg/dl means diabetes
    - between 140 and 199.9 mg/dl means prediabetes
    - less than 140 mg/dl means normal
    An abnormal reading following the OGTT means the patient has impaired glucose tolerance (IGT)

Why Is It Called Diabetes Mellitus?

Diabetes comes from Greek, and it means a "siphon". Aretus the Cappadocian, a Greek physician during the second century A.D., named the condition diabainein. He described patients who were passing too much water (polyuria) - like a siphon. The word became "diabetes" from the English adoption of the Medieval Latin diabetes.
In 1675, Thomas Willis added mellitus to the term, although it is commonly referred to simply as diabetes. Mel in Latin means "honey"; the urine and blood of people with diabetes has excess glucose, and glucose is sweet like honey. Diabetes mellitus could literally mean "siphoning off sweet water".
In ancient China people observed that ants would be attracted to some people's urine, because it was sweet. The term "Sweet Urine Disease" was coined.

Controlling Diabetes - Treatment Is Effective And Important

All types of diabetes are treatable. Diabetes type 1 lasts a lifetime, there is no known cure. Type 2 usually lasts a lifetime, however, some people have managed to get rid of their symptoms without medication, through a combination of exercise, diet and body weight control.
Diabetes equipment and a healthy breakfast
Special diets can help sufferers of type 2 diabetes control the condition.
Researchers from the Mayo Clinic Arizona in Scottsdale showed that gastric bypass surgery can reverse type 2 diabetes in a high proportion of patients. They added that within three to five years the disease recurs in approximately 21% of them. Yessica Ramos, MD., said "The recurrence rate was mainly influenced by a longstanding history of Type 2 diabetes before the surgery. This suggests that early surgical intervention in the obese, diabetic population will improve the durability of remission of Type 2 diabetes." (Link to article)
Patients with type 1 are treated with regular insulin injections, as well as a special diet and exercise.
Patients with Type 2 diabetes are usually treated with tablets, exercise and a special diet, but sometimes insulin injections are also required.
If diabetes is not adequately controlled the patient has a significantly higher risk of developing complications.
Complications linked to badly controlled diabetes:
  • Eye complications - glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, and some others.
  • Foot complications - neuropathy, ulcers, and sometimes gangrene which may require that the foot be amputated
  • Skin complications - people with diabetes are more susceptible to skin infections and skin disorders
  • Heart problems - such as ischemic heart disease, when the blood supply to the heart muscle is diminished
  • Hypertension - common in people with diabetes, which can raise the risk of kidney disease, eye problems, heart attack and stroke
  • Mental health - uncontrolled diabetes raises the risk of suffering from depression, anxiety and some other mental disorders
  • Hearing loss - diabetes patients have a higher risk of developing hearing problems
  • Gum disease - there is a much higher prevalence of gum disease among diabetes patients
  • Gastroparesis - the muscles of the stomach stop working properly
  • Ketoacidosis - a combination of ketosis and acidosis; accumulation of ketone bodies and acidity in the blood.
  • Neuropathy - diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage which can lead to several different problems.
  • HHNS (Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome) - blood glucose levels shoot up too high, and there are no ketones present in the blood or urine. It is an emergency condition.
  • Nephropathy - uncontrolled blood pressure can lead to kidney disease
  • PAD (peripheral arterial disease) - symptoms may include pain in the leg, tingling and sometimes problems walking properly
  • Stroke - if blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood glucose levels are not controlled, the risk of stroke increases significantly
  • Erectile dysfunction - male impotence.
  • Infections - people with badly controlled diabetes are much more susceptible to infections
  • Healing of wounds - cuts and lesions take much longer to heal

USA - 2011 National Diabetes Fact Sheet

How many Americans have diabetes or pre-diabetes?
  • 8.5% of the US population have diabetes - 25.8 million children and adults.

    Researchers from the Jefferson School of Population Health (Philadelphia, PA) published a study which estimates that by 2025 there could be 53.1 million people with the disease. (Link to article)
  • 18.8 million people have been diagnosed with diabetes
  • About 7 million people with diabetes have not been diagnosed.

    Even though type 2 diabetes rates in the USA have risen sharply, Timothy Lyons, MD, who is presently Director of Research of the Harold Hamm Diabetes Center in Oklahoma City says that the disease is still not being detected promptly. He added that the lag in diagnosis involves both patients and doctors. (Link to article)
  • About 79 million people have pre-diabetes
  • 1.9 million people aged 20 years or more were newly diagnosed with diabetes in 2010
  • 215,000 (0.26%) people younger than 20 years have diabetes
  • Approximately 1 in every 400 kids and teenagers has diabetes
  • 11.3% of people aged 20+ years have diabetes; a total of 25.6 million individuals
  • 26.9% of people aged 65+ years have diabetes; a total of 10.9 million people
  • 11.8% of men have diabetes; a total of 13 million people
  • 10.8% of women have diabetes; a total of 12.6 million people

Diabetes In The United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom there are about 3.8 million people with diabetes, according to the National Health Service. Diabetes UK, a charity, believes this number will jump to 6.2 million by 2035, and the National Health Service will be spending as much as 17% of its health care budget on diabetes by then.

Diabetes Spreads In Southeast Asia

Diabetes is rapidly spreading in Southeast Asia as people embrace American fast foods, such as hamburgers, hot dogs, French fries and pizza. More Chinese adults who live in Singapore are dying of heart disease and developing type 2 diabetes than ever before, researchers from the University of Minnesota School of Public Health and the National University of Singapore reported in the journal Circulation.
The authors found that Chinese adults in Singapore who eat American-style junk foods twice a week had a 56% greater risk of dying prematurely form heart disease, while their risk of developing type 2 diabetes rose 27%, compared to their counterparts who "never touched the stuff". There was a 80% higher likelihood of dying from coronary heart disease for those eating fast foods four times per week. (Link to article)

Some Facts And Myths Regarding Diabetes

Many presumed "facts" are thrown about in the paper press, magazines and on the internet regarding diabetes; some of them are, in fact, myths. It is important that people with diabetes, pre-diabetes, their loved ones, employers and schools have an accurate picture of the disease. Below are some diabetes myths:
  • People with diabetes should not exercise - NOT TRUE!! Exercise is important for people with diabetes, as it is for everybody else. Exercise helps manage body weight, improves cardiovascular health, improves mood, helps blood sugar control, and relieves stress. Patients should discuss exercise with their doctor first.
  • Fat people always develop type 2 diabetes eventually - this is not true. Being overweight or obese raises the risk of becoming diabetic, they are risk factors, but do not mean that an obese person will definitely become diabetic. Many people with type 2 diabetes were never overweight. The majority of overweight people do not develop type 2 diabetes.
  • Diabetes is a nuisance, but not serious - two thirds of diabetes patients die prematurely from stroke or heart disease. The life expectancy of a person with diabetes is from five to ten years shorter than other people's. Diabetes is a serious disease.
  • Children can outgrow diabetes - this is not true. Nearly all children with diabetes have type 1; insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas have been destroyed. These never come back. Children with type 1 diabetes will need to take insulin for the rest of their lives, unless a cure is found one day.
  • Don't eat too much sugar, you will become diabetic - this is not true. A person with diabetes type 1 developed the disease because their immune system destroyed the insulin-producing beta cells. A diet high in calories, which can make people overweight/obese, raises the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, especially if there is a history of this disease in the family.
  • I know when my blood sugar levels are high or low - very high or low blood sugar levels may cause some symptoms, such as weakness, fatigue and extreme thirst. However, levels need to be fluctuating a lot for symptoms to be felt. The only way to be sure about your blood sugar levels is to test them regularly. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark showed that even very slight rises in blood-glucose levels significantly raise the risk of ischemic heart disease. (Link to article)
  • Diabetes diets are different from other people's - the diet doctors and specialized nutritionists recommend for diabetes patients are healthy ones; healthy for everybody, including people without the disease. Meals should contain plenty of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and they should be low in salt and sugar, and saturated or trans fat. Experts say that there is no need to buy special diabetic foods because they offer no special benefit, compared to the healthy things we can buy in most shops.
  • High blood sugar levels are fine for some, while for others they are a sign of diabetes - high blood-sugar levels are never normal for anybody. Some illnesses, mental stress and steroids can cause temporary hikes in blood sugar levels in people without diabetes. Anybody with higher-than-normal blood sugar levels or sugar in their urine should be checked for diabetes by a health care professional.
  • Diabetics cannot eat bread, potatoes or pasta - people with diabetes can eat starchy foods. However, they must keep an eye on the size of the portions. Whole grain starchy foods are better, as is the case for people without diabetes.
  • One person can transmit diabetes to another person - NOT TRUE. Just like a broken leg is not infectious or contagious. A parent may pass on, through their genes to their offspring, a higher susceptibility to developing the disease.
  • Only older people develop type 2 diabetes - things are changing. A growing number of children and teenagers are developing type 2 diabetes. Experts say that this is linked to the explosion in childhood obesity rates, poor diet, and physical inactivity.
  • I have to go on insulin, this must mean my diabetes is severe - people take insulin when diet alone or diet with oral or non-insulin injectable diabetes drugs do not provide good-enough diabetes control, that's all. Insulin helps diabetes control. It does not usually have anything to do with the severity of the disease.
  • If you have diabetes you cannot eat chocolates or sweets - people with diabetes can eat chocolates and sweets if they combine them with exercise or eat them as part of a healthy meal.
  • Diabetes patients are more susceptible to colds and illnesses in general - a person with diabetes with good diabetes control is no more likely to become ill with a cold or something else than other people. However, when a diabetic catches a cold, their diabetes becomes harder to control, so they have a higher risk of complications.

Saturday, 14 March 2015

16 Ways to Lose Weight Fast

16 Ways to Lose Weight Fast

From Zumba to yoga to ditching junk food, these simple lifestyle changes will help you lose 10, 30, even 50 pounds!

Self-Care Tips for Sick Days

Self-Care Tips for Sick Days

Help Your Body Recover from Illness

Achooo! Is it a cold? Is it the flu? You may not know what you have, but you know you feel terrible. When SparkPeople members feel under the weather, they usually have the same questions: "What should I eat? Should I still count my calories? If I'm not eating enough, will it hurt my metabolism and slow weight loss?"

During sick days, you should not worry about weighing and measuring your foods, counting calories, using the food tracker, or lowering your metabolism. In fact sickness, fever and infections increase your metabolism by about seven percent for each degree the body temperature rises above 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. When you're ill, you need to focus your attention on getting adequate rest for a speedy recovery. Follow these self-care tips according to your symptoms, and you'll be back on track in no time! **Note: These are guidelines for adults, not children. If your child exhibits these symptoms it's always a good idea to contact his or her pediatrician.

If your symptoms include runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough and/or mild fatigue, you may have the common cold, which is caused by a virus and is usually not serious.

Care for yourself by:
  • Gently blowing your nose if mucus or debris is present.
  • Inhaling steam to help loosen the mucus and clear your head.
  • Taking a warm shower or sitting in the bathroom with the shower running.
  • Drinking plenty of liquids to stay hydrated, including warm liquids (such as chicken noodle soup) to help clear mucus.
  • Increasing the amount of sleep and rest you get.
  • Consult your health care provider regarding the use of nonprescription cold medications.
When choosing foods and liquids: See "Stage 1" (on the chart below) for ideas; gradually advance your food selections to "Stage 2" and beyond, as tolerated. Always consult your health care provider about using nonprescription cold medications.

Seek medical attention if:
  • Nose congestion persists for more than one to two weeks.
  • Symptoms do not resolve within 10 days.
  • You have difficulty breathing, faintness, a change in alertness, a severely sore throat, a cough that produces a lot of sputum or mucus (especially if green or yellow in color), or pain in the face.
  • You have a chronic medical condition, especially one that is affected by changes in your food intake (such as diabetes).

If your symptoms include nausea, vomiting, queasiness, abdominal cramping, bloating and/or fever that last between a few hours and a few days, you may have a viral infection. Vomiting may also be caused by food poisoning, pregnancy, medications or other underlying problems such as gallbladder disease, ulcers, or bowel obstruction.

burn fat

Attractive Exercise tips on how to burn fat

fitness Many of us have seen that while exercising can be important… but did you know precisely why? Exercising features all kinds of positive aspects. While occupational experienced therapist in Principal Children’s, we’ve got to create a report on each of our 15 main reasons why exercising might help yourself are living a new more content along with a better lifestyle!

Exercising improves your efforts amount. Performing exercises give fresh air along with vitamins for a liver aiding the idea to function more effectively along with improving your current strength. Exercising and also other physical exercises will often be wonderful chances for you to get friendly. Want your gemstone, subscribing to a new athletics crew, as well as wanting to go a nearby sport centers are common wonderful solutions to meet up with brand-new men and women. Staying literally productive can keep anyone balanced. Analysis affirms that will start a half-hour involving exercising every day can be all you want to take care of proper lifestyle.Exercising making you more content! Training secretes substances as part of your mental faculties named endorphins, which have been seen to cause you to be experiencing more content plus much more tranquil.
Exercising might be exciting! In many cases exercising could be part of a number of your selected way of life, including going for walks your new puppy, going to your gemstone, as well as operating your current motorcycle. Exercising assists you to keep proper body weight. Through reading these articles you would be helpful. Here we have discussed step by step tips.


Exercise Tips-1: Cleanse your own kitchen area. Get rid of enticement in your own home as well as you’re more likely in order to stay with your own strategy. It is really good exercise tips.
Exercise Tip-2: Strategy is unfaithful foods. In the event that you’re rigid just about all 7 days, 1 pig-out can get the body set up with regard to excess fat reduction.
Exercise Tip-3: Purchase poultry fingertips rather than wings. They’ve obtained much more protein as well as considerably less body fat, salt as well as calories from fat. It is really good exercise tips.
Exercise Tip-4: Leap string just 10 minutes. You’ll burn the same number of calories as you would when you jog for 15 minutes. It is good exercise too.
Exercise Tip-5: Don’t stop chilly poultry in your preferred meals. You’ll become more likely to drop from the truck. It is good exercise too.
Exercise Tip-6: It is good exercise too. Write short-terms objectives upon catalog credit cards. As soon as they’re fulfilled, include ’am to some heap. Getting a collection of achievements may increase your own self-confidence.
Exercise Tip-7: Make use of the back again of the teaspoon whenever mouth watering your own meals throughout meals preparation. Each time a person flavor, something, you will consume much less calories from fat. It is really good exercise tips.
Exercise Tip-8: Stock up upon dietary fiber. Lentils, coffee beans, and pears are all great sources. It is a good meal for exercise.
Exercise Tip-9: Do not undo-options your own instruction. Consuming the piece associated with whole-wheat breads along with peanut butter will keep a person through pigging away following a difficult workout.
Exercise Tip-10: Perform burgers. They’re the substance, physical exercise which functions virtually every muscle mass within your body.
Exercise Tip-11: Obtain a bodily. A large number of them were alerted to their poor health on a routine doctor’s visit. It is really good exercise tips.
Exercise Tip-12: By pass the actual elevator. Consider the actual steps as well as burn off 100 calls each and every 10 min’s a person ascend. It is really good exercise tips.
Exercise Tip-13: Perform pushups every morning. It’ll jump-start your day, and it gets in some additional upper-body training. It is really good exercise tips.
Exercise Tip-14: Don’t drench your own greens within body fat. Balsamic white vinegar will save a person three hundred calories from fat more than creamier dressings such as farm.

skin safe

Tips to keep your skin safe

skins Skincare boils down in order to train great routines. Listed here some good ideas that will help safeguard towards pores and skin most cancers, chapped pores and skin. You have to safeguard the skin due to the essential part, it’s safeguarding the body. Skincare doesn’t need to be complex or even time-consuming, and may rapidly turn out to be 2nd character, such as cleaning your own the teeth. These types of tips and skin safety ideas will keep the skin searching as well as sensation excellent, through protecting towards the lot associated with pores and skin worries, through the chapped pores and skin in order to too early getting older in order to pores and skin most cancers.

keep your skins safe

Lose Weight

Top Summary to Lose Weight

Lose-Weight-Fast Losing weight is difficult tasks to do for any beautiful women. But if we can follow all lose weight tips step by step, it is not a difficult task. Lose weight becomes a popular and trendy issue in human health. Many people get suffer with overweight disorder. This disease cause by un-control eating habit. Most people love to eat any instants and fast foods or delicious foods, even the food contains high calories. Fast food is delicious and everyone wants to eat it more and more. Fast foods are usually contained of high calories and cholesterol. For this reason, people who eat more fast foods tend to get bulky and it is hard to lose weight rather they should take healthy foods.

Overweight become a serious problem in human health if we can’t control and treat it. People with overweight tend to get high risk of obesity. People who have overweight portion are difficult to do some activities. For this reason, people are looking for an affordable way to lose weight tips. Before you take lose weight treatment, it is important to know and understand all information related to lose weight tips.

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Exclusive: Sony Hack Reveals Jennifer Lawrence is Paid Less Than Her Male Co-Stars

Exclusive: Sony Hack Reveals Jennifer Lawrence Is Paid Less Than Her Male Co-Stars

Email correspondences from the Sony hack reveal that Jennifer Lawrence was compensated less than her male co-stars, compounding the studio’s gender pay gap problems.

One of the most prominent A-list presences in the emails ripped from Sony’s servers by the hacking collective Guardians of Peace is none other than Jennifer Lawrence (who is, sadly, no stranger to hacking herself).
Lawrence and her fabulous email handle (peanutbutt) make several cameos in the leak, including numerous pleasant exchanges with Amy Pascal, co-chairman of Sony Pictures Entertainment, over her dazzling turn in American Hustle, which was co-financed by Sony arm Columbia Pictures. There’s also an interesting email exchange between Pascal and Brian Helgeland, screenwriter of the planned Cleopatra biopic, with Pascal suggesting that Helgeland dump Angelina Jolie in favor of Lawrence—an idea Helgeland says he’s given some thought to.
The Daily Beast has combed through much of the hundreds of thousands of emails and unearthed many other shocking revelations which you can find here

But the most troubling reveal concerning Lawrence is in regard to her financial compensation, with hacked emails revealing that the Hunger Games star was compensated less than her male co-stars on American Hustle.
But the most troubling reveal concerning Lawrence is in regard to her financial compensation with hacked emails revealing that the Hunger Games star was compensated less than her male co-stars on American Hustle.
In an email dated December 5, 2013, Andrew Gumpert, President of Business Affairs and Administration for Columbia Pictures, wrote to Pascal and Doug Belgrad, President of SPE Motion Picture Group, about the “points”—or back-end compensation—that each actor was to receive on Hustle. (The “Amy” referred to is Amy Adams, “O'Russell” is director David O. Russell, “Renner” is Jeremy Renner, and  “Megan” is Megan Ellison, head of Annapurna Pictures, which co-financed Hustle.)
“Got a steve warren/gretchen rush call that it’s unfair the male actors get 9% in the pool and jennifer is only at 7pts,” the email reads. “You may recall Jennifer was at 5 (amy was and is at 7) and WE anted in 2 extra points for Jennifer to get her up to 7. If anyone needs to top jennifer up it’s megan. BUT I think amy and Jennifer are tied so upping JL, ups AA.”
Gumpert added, “The current talent deals are:  O’Russell: 9%; Cooper: 9%; Bale: 9%; Renner: 9%; Lawrence: 7%; Adams: 7%.”
Pascal’s email response to the news of Lawrence making less than her male colleagues—despite the fact that she’s far and away the biggest star of the picture, since Hustle was green-lit after The Hunger Games—was: “there is truth here.”
The news is even more troubling when you take into consideration that the hack also revealed a staggering gender pay gap among Sony staffers. According to a spreadsheet listing the salaries of 6,000 employees, 17 of those employees were raking in $1 million or more, but only one of those $1 million-plus employees is a woman. Also, analyzing the pay of the two co-presidents of production at Columbia Pictures—who have the same job—pointed to another gender-pay disparity, with Michael De Luca ($2.4 million) making almost $1 million more than Hannah Minghella ($1.5 million).Exclusive: Sony Hack Reveals Jennifer Lawrence is Paid Less Than Her Male Co-Stars

This morning, Emma Stone reacted to her Golden Globe nomination for Birdman with a pitch-perfect statement in which she expressed appreciation for the honor and ribbed the all-reigning queen of Hollywood, Meryl Streep—who happens to be her competition in the best-supporting-actress category for Into the Woods. “I have no words,” Stone said. “I am so incredibly honored and grateful for this and feel insanely lucky to have had the chance to work with Alejandro, Michael, Edward, and the whole cast and crew of the beautiful madness that is Birdman. Now can someone please explain who this ‘Meryl Streep’ woman is?!”
Stone is the latest in a series of Streep’s awards competitors who have had the good humor (and, in some cases, just gall) to poke fun at or just throw shade at the three-time Oscar winner. Ahead, a brief history of the culprits and their cutups or putdowns.
Jennifer Lawrence: When Lawrence climbed onstage to accept her 2013 Golden Globe, the actress, who was beating out Streep for August: Osage County, looked at her statuette’s inscription and blurted out, “Oh, what does it say? ‘I beat Meryl!’” Some audience members did not realize that the quip was an innocent nod to a 1996 comedy. “It’s never a good idea for me to wing it, but it was a quote from First Wives Club,” the Silver Linings Playbook star later told David Letterman. The actress also used her segment on the Late Show to repent for her sin of mock-dissing Meryl. “First of all, it’s Meryl Streep. You can’t offend Meryl Streep.” Still, she did not understand how the Internet could misinterpret her playful remark. “All of a sudden I hate Meryl Streep. Is that what this turned into? I don’t like Meryl Streep? As if I had my eyes on getting that girl forever and I was like, ‘Finally! I knew it would happen one day.’” (About a month later, Lawrence tripped on her way up to accept her Oscar. We’re not saying that the slip was punishment from the Meryl Streep gods she had unintentionally angered during her Golden Globes ad lib. But we’re also not saying it was not.)
Sandra Bullock: Perhaps no actress has had as much fun rivaling Meryl Streep than Bullock. During the lead up to the 2010 Oscars, Bullock (who would win for The Blind Side) regularly ribbed her fellow nominee (who was up for Julie & Julia). “With Meryl, when [the awards season] thing started, I left her a voice mail going, ‘You've got to watch your back. I’m gonna cut you. I’m gonna take you down,” Bullock told the Associated Press. “And then she sent me dead orchids and told me to die, so I sent her a case of liquor and told her to toast to white trash.” When the two were paired up against each other again in 2014 (for Gravity and August: Osage County), Bullock joked, “People don't realize that there's a side of Meryl that's just mean. You walk away and she'll just rip your dress . . . I know not to turn my back on her.” If the fight were physical, she joked, “I will try to kick her ass but she will kill me. That's just how it's gonna end and then she'll be lovely Meryl again and I'll just be dead.”
Katharine Hepburn: The legendary actress was nominated alongside Streep at the 1982 Oscars, where she beat the then up-and-comer thanks to her performance in On Golden Pond. Although Hepburn did not say anything publicly, her official biographer A. Scott Berg wrote that Streep was Hepburn’s “least favorite modern actress.” Perhaps a swipe taken out of jealousy, the biographer wrote that all Hepburn could hear when Streep was on-screen was, “Click click click,” referring to wheels turning inside Streep’s head.
Emma Thompson: Although the two Oscar winners are dear friends—a bond that was seemingly cemented with their kiss in Mike Nichols’s HBO mini-series Angels in America—the two never miss an opportunity to poke fun at one another on the awards trail. When Streep beat out her co-star for the Emmy in 2004, she joked about her fellow nominees in her speech. “Glenn (Close) is my friend so I know she`ll forgive me, Helen Mirren is an acting god, and no one has put a better performance on film than Judy Davis in The Judy Garland Story. The only one in the group is Emma Thompson, who will hold a grudge for the rest of her life. But who cares?”
In turn, last year, after Streep was nominated for an Oscar for August: Osage County and Thompson was snubbed for Saving Mr. Banks, Streep told Ellen DeGeneres how she had reached out to her friend to offer her condolences. “I was really shocked [by Thompson’s snub],” Streep explained. “I wrote [Thompson] a long, heartfelt e-mail about how bad I felt. She wrote back and just said, ‘Good.’”
Sharon Stone: Fifteen years after she was nominated for an Oscar for Casino—the same year that Streep was up for The Bridges of Madison County—Stone threw some world-class shade at Streep during an interview with Tatler magazine. On the subject of actresses’ looks, Stone said, “I think that's why Meryl Streep is working so much, because she looks like a woman we can all relate to.” It gets worse. “I look at her and I think, I’m chasing my kids, I’ve moved my parents in with me, I’m coping with food spills—that looks like me in real life.” It gets even worse still. “Meryl looks like an unmade bed, and that’s what I look like. To me, that looks true.”
Kate Winslet: When Winslet beat out Streep for the 2009 Oscar (Winslet for The Reader vs. Streep for Doubt), the British actress joked that Streep would just have to accept her glowing speech remarks instead of another statuette that year. “And I want to acknowledge my fellow nominees, these goddesses. I think we all can’t believe we’re in a category with Meryl Streep at all. I'm sorry, Meryl, but you have to just suck that up!”
Susan Sarandon: The actress, who was up for an Academy Award twice against Meryl Streep, has not minced words when speaking about her peer to press. “Everything goes to Meryl first. It’s the law,” Sarandon is quoted as saying during an interview with Fame magazine in 1989. “I am one of those who think Meryl is a great actress. I don’t elevate her to the goddess level, but she does get first crack at all the women’s roles. If other women had the same shots she’s had, they could equal her.” She even added a more personal dig. “If her household runs as perfectly as her press would have us believe, I’ll slash my throat.” Perhaps Sarandon’s attitude towards Streep softened though after she beat the Oscar winner in 1995 with her performance in Dead Man Walking.
Daniel Day-Lewis: Obviously the actor was not up directly against Streep at the 2013 Oscars—wouldn’t that have been something, though?—where they both won their leading actor categories—him, for Lincoln, and her, for The Iron Lady. But Day-Lewis livened up his acceptance speech by joking that he had been in competition with the world’s finest actress for the part. “It's a strange thing because three years ago, before we decided to do a straight swap, I had actually been committed to play Margaret Thatcher [in The Iron Lady] and Meryl was Steven [Spielberg]'s first choice for Lincoln. And I'd like to see that version.”
But perhaps no one is as good at poking fun at Meryl Streep as Meryl Streep herself. When she accepted the 2012 Oscar, she started off by joking, “When they called my name I had this feeling I could hear half of America going, ‘Oh no! Oh, come on why her! Again!’” After an impeccably timed beat, she continued, “But, whatever.” And when taking the 2009 Screen Actors Guild award for Doubt, she joked about her own legend. “I’m really really really shocked,” she said during her acceptance speech, before adding, “even though awards mean nothing to me anymore.”