Choose Your Own Adventure
Need some inspiration? Check out her post below, and then go check out her link at the very bottom.
Take Control, Love What You Do, Win Awards
When I was a child, I wanted to act. But my mother, a war
refugee living in Los Angeles, was unfamiliar with the business. An all too common story, we ended up
getting scammed instead. It was more money than I knew my mom could afford, so
I decided to become a lawyer.That dream lasted through one con law class sophomore year of college, where it died a quick, dirty death. So then I was a graduate, and I still wanted to act. But Hollywood said I was too ethnic with my Eurasian background. In the years it would take me to become eligible for SAG (now SAG-AFTRA), I took the opportunity to learn more about the business. I interned in casting, assisted in acting classes, even worked as an associate talent manager. Finally, I was ready to really commit to this acting thing. But then Hollywood said I wasn’t ethnic enough.